The MSMEA Mentor/Mentee Program
Request a Mentor
The Mentor Program, sponsored by the MS Music Educators Association, is designed to offer assistance to new or beginning teachers regarding eligibility procedures, festivals, auditions, and workshops/conferences. This service is provided completely free of charge but must be requested. Once the form has been processed, you will be contacted by our mentor supervisor, and will be placed with a mentor teacher in your area.
Become a Mentor
The goal of the mentor program is for an experienced teacher to help a less experienced teacher. If you would like to be considered to be a mentor in your area, you must meet the following criteria:
Have at least five years teaching experience
Be willing to remain in contact with your “mentee” and guide them through the yearly activities
Be willing to go to the “mentee’s” school at least twice a year and give hands-on assistance (we will ask someone from the MSMEA Mentor Program to call your principal, if necessary)
Avoid discussing the “mentee’s” problems with other people unless it is to ask advice on how to solve a problem
Make sure your “mentee” understands all handbook information
Be willing to suggest appropriate literature for choral performance
Offer beneficial information about contest preparation
Offer sight reading tips
Encourage membership in professional organization